Fundamentals: Filter Brewing

Fundamentals: Filter Brewing

0 hours

Cost Per Person

Recommended Experience: All levels

Filter Brewing is the ideal starting point for anyone interested in non-espresso brew methods. We will work with a variety of brewing devices and methods, including pour over, Aeropress, Clever Coffee Dripper (CCD), automated brewing and cold brew. Simple and effective recipes and techniques will be demonstrated to the class and practiced by participants. Through tasting we will examine the basics of proper coffee extraction and how to adjust brewing variables to get the best flavour from your coffee.

This class is recommended for anyone looking to learn more about brewing methods other than espresso, whether that is to run a filter program in a professional setting, or make a more consistently delicious cup of coffee at home.

Important COVID-19 information:

To ensure the ongoing wellbeing of our trainees and trainers alike please be sure to read over the following list of COVID-19 safety measures prior to arrival at your class:

  • Please sanitize your hands upon arrival and stay at home if feeling unwell.


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Eligible courses: Home Barista | Filter BrewingFundamentals: Guided Practice | Advanced: Espresso Extraction | Advanced: Latte Art

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